
Prepare to be transported to the sun-kissed fields of the French countryside, where the light lasts forever and the calming scent of lavender fills the air. Paired with warm vanilla and sensuous musk, this herbaceous yet sweet scent evokes the beauty and serenity of idyllic summers spent in the heart of Provence.

The ever-popular Sandbag Candle, in vibrant and playful striped patterns with scent-specific colorways. Our classic 6.5 ounce candles are poured in sheer white glass vessels that can be repurposed as beautiful votive candle holders. Candles are thoughtfully packaged with a ready-to-go set of matches in a reusable canvas bag, perfect for collecting seashells and treasures. Our signature, uplifting gift tag makes the Sandbag Candle a perfect gift.

Hand-poured in the USA

 Volume: 6.5 oz
- Burn Time: Up to 40 hours
- Material: Glass
- Clean-burning proprietary soy-wax blend
- Lead-free cotton wick